Thursday, September 29, 2011

Minneapolis for Work Again

Uncle Mike had to go to Minneapolis again for work. It was a pretty good trip, we got a lot of work done and also had plenty of time to hang out with Kevin. At Kevin's place, Brownie took a picture with a poster for Ricky Jay. Ricky is famous for card tricks and his ability to throw playing cards really far.
Here's a video of Ricky Jay:
Card Throwing

I encourage you and your parents to check out more Ricky Jay videos on YouTube.

Kevin is also into shooting guns for sport. Here's a picture of Brownie checking out his .308 rifle. I think the scope is a little too big for Brownie to be using!

This trip we had to stay at a different hotel and it had an indoor courtyard with little pools of water. Two days into the trip I realized that there were REAL DUCKS swimming around inside the hotel. I took a video of them, I hope it works:

Nearby was a science museum and we went there for trivia on Wednesday night. Between rounds of trivia we toured the museum and Brownie was able to get photos with dinosaurs. Here is a triceratops!

This next one Uncle Mike had never even seen before! Apparently it's a glyptodon clavipes, click here for more info.

This next one is awesome. This is Brownie with a bunch of petrified dinosaur poop! Isn't that gross?!?!

This last one is a bonus picture that has nothing to do with the trip. We were tailgating before an Illini football game and someone brought a giant homemade version of Jenga. It was so much fun! It got so tall that Aunt Jeannette could barely put the blocks on top.